ragwear has financed 5,000 trees – and this is just the beginning! Help us and the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation by Felix Finkbeiner.
How it all began: In 2007, the then 9-year-old Felix Finkbeiner gave a presentation. His vision: Children planting a million trees in every country in the world. In 2009 he asked at the UNEP Children’s and Youth Conference in South Korea: “Who wants to plant 1 million trees?” Many hundreds of children from 56 different countries ascended the podium. Today Plant-for-the-Planet is a global movement with the major goal of combatting the climate crisis.
Climate change is here – a fact that is now undisputed. But there is hope: In July 2019, researchers from the Zurich University of Technology (ETH) will publish a study with promising results. Reforestation means that two thirds of the man-made climate-damaging CO2 emissions to date can be reabsorbed The goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees set by the IPCC is achievable - so let’s plant trees!
Further studies show: We still have space for another 1,000 billion trees on Earth. This figure is also the new goal for Plant-for-the-planet. We also support the initiative and have already been able to finance 5,000 trees. They purify the air, cool the earth and are a habitat for many animals – which is why we don’t want to stop there and aim to continue making the world more beautiful and greener!
Do you want to participate, too? Plant-for-the-Planet’s Trillion Tree Campaign shows you how many trees have been planted and how you can help achieve the 1,000 billion goal.
Photo by Sara Deis on Unsplash